Look How a Lion Roars
General Zia is the only Muslim leader whose Ghaibana Namaz e Jinaza was also recited in Khana e Kaaba and in Masjid e Nabwi, MashAllah! Hear this amazing soul shaking speech and know what great man he was. There is a reason why Jews, Hindus and Crusader had him assassinated. he was a Mard e Momin and a dervesh ruler. Muslim world was bitterly divided in the 80's. Iran-Iraq was going on and OIC had not invited Iran. Egypt had signed the camp David accord and it was thrown out of Arab League and OIC. No body was speaking for Afghan Muslims who were under Soviet rule! There was no body who play the role of moderator for the entire Ummah. Then Allah selected General Zia !!! Then the entire Muslim world asked Pakistan to represent the Ummah in UN. This speech was made in Casablanca and is one of the most historic moment in history of Pakistan when we admonished, adviceed and protected the Ummah against internal feuds and bitter sectarian wars. Can any leade...